The IWF Ireland Forum was set up in 1998 and currently has a membership of approximately 100 women from diverse fields of endeavour and backgrounds. Our membership includes women from business, finance, education, healthcare, science, law, engineering, technology, media and politics as well as the arts, civil service and not-for-profit sectors.
It is a unique organisation in that it brings together women leaders and enables them, in a safe space, to network and share experiences with other women at the top of their profession or sector.
Those of us who belong to the organisation treasure our membership and all that it offers by way of friendship, support, networking and information. Chatham House rules apply.
​We are not a political or policy making group - indeed the international body specifically disallows that.

Turning Interest Into Action
We organise a wide and diverse programme of initiatives in Ireland.
Apart from our local Irish events, IWF holds international conferences, which offer the opportunity to meet and engage with a diverse population of similar women leaders worldwide. For example, members from the Irish Forum have attended IWF conferences in Helsinki, Las Vegas, Barcelona, Chicago, Boston and Stockholm.
Members enjoy access to a varied programme of events throughout the year.