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An Evening with Mary Robinson - Thursday, 2 May 2024

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the evening with Mary Robinson, kindly hosted by Trócaire and the Ceann Comhairle, on Thursday, 2 May.  As one of you commented to me - it truly was a moment in time.  An inspirational and motivational evening - for which we owe a big thank you to Caoimhe de Barra and her team at Trócaire - they put the idea together for us, and to Barbara for managing the organising of the event.

A large number of you have been in contact with me since the event thinking about what you could do personally or professionally to support greater action for climate justice.


Here are a couple of thoughts.


Firstly, as you heard, Trócaire are deeply involved in supporting women’s leadership in the face of climate change, from community to global level.  As leaders in our own fields, we can see the need for systemic change.  Caoimhe and her team are always looking for opportunities to partner with organisations or individuals who can help with this systemic approach.  This could be through philanthropy, ESG initiatives, or policy influencing opportunities for example.


If you have an idea, a good contact, useful advice, or something else that you think is worth talking through, Caoimhe would be very happy to hear from you.  Her contact details are; 086 607 6972.


Secondly, I encourage you to check out the Project Dandelion website and the initiative that Mary Robinson described with such passion.  Individuals can join and become ‘dandelions’.  Organisations can become partners and provide support to the overall project in different ways (email for more information).


Lastly, I know many of you completed a pledge card about your commitment to action – I look forward to hearing about how those commitments come to life!


As Mary said: “Where women lead, action follows”!

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